Approved by

1st - 2nd of March 2024



This course is dedicated to Ob&Gyn and feto-maternal medicine specialists interested in fetal ultrasound. Modern prenatal diagnosis relies on high-resolution ultrasound and the detection of details in addition to the knowledge of a large number of fetal diseases and syndromes.

This one-and-a-half-day course has two parts, one afternoon will be dedicated to 3D ultrasound from basic to expert knowledge and the second day on the ultrasound signs of anomalies of the different organs and at different stages of pregnancy.
Prof. Chaoui and Dr. Benoit are looking forward to meeting you in Poland!
Register today!

  • Prof. Rabih Chaoui
    Doctor of Medicine, Co-Director of the Center of Prenatal Diagnosis and Human Genetics, Germany
  • Dr. Bernard Benoit
    US Dept in Ob/GynUnit Princess Grace Hospital, Monaco

On day 1 the speakers will focus on the practical „How to do 3D“, including how to acquire a volume dataset, then navigate and render and manipulate the volume. Live demonstrations of the ultrasound machine complete the theoretical part.

The second day will show the new horizons of fetal ultrasound today integrating high-resolution 2D, color Doppler, and 3D in demonstrating normal anatomy and common and rare anomalies. The content will include the dedicated examination of the brain from 7 to 40 weeks including normal and abnormal findings. The examination of the gastrointestinal and genitourinary tract will be discussed and cases demonstrated in 2D and 3D. Normal anatomy and anomalies of the fetal heart and the skeletal system will be presented and cases demonstrated on the ultrasound system.

The combination of different hints may lead to the suspicion of syndromic conditions, which are illustrated with common and rare syndromes. In addition, it is time to discuss the scanning techniques today, the role of guidelines, human mistakes, and the potential role of artificial intelligence in prenatal ultrasound to be better prepared for its use in the future

Educational goals:
To improve knowledge of sonographers and fetal medicine specialists involved in prenatal diagnosis in performing basic and advanced ultrasound examinations during different stages of pregnancy
To provide an advanced course in obstetric ultrasound for healthcare providers to reduce the level of child mortality and morbidity
To demonstrate skillful scanning techniques for performing prenatal ultrasound using modern transvaginal probes and 3D/4D approaches
To give awareness in differentiation of normal fetal anatomy and the most common fetal anomalies and syndromic conditions
To recognize typical ultrasound features and sentinel signs suggesting specific syndromic conditions.
To provide a glimpse into the potential fields of artificial intelligence in fetal medicine from image pattern recognition to assisting in diagnoses
Издательство Тильда
Venuе & Accommodation
Premier Partner
Chaoui & Benoit Course
"2D & 3D FETAL ULTRASOUND: New Horizons"
Onsite participation. WARSAW/ POLAND

Manager in touch

Viktoriia Anysymova

+380 67 284 9497