Conference main scientific points
This course is dedicated to specialists in feto-maternal medicine interested in fetal
ultrasound. Modern prenatal diagnosis relies on high-resolution ultrasound and the
detection of details in addition to the knowledge on the large number of fetal diseases and syndromes.
This one-day course has four parts:
- Face and brain
- Twins
- Heart, and
- First trimester.
During this day the speakers will focus on one hand on the practical
„How to do 3D“ and on the other hand on the clinical application. The examination of the
fetal face will be discussed and cases demonstrated in 2D and 3D. Twins and multiple
pregnancies are a challenge and one section will discussed these problems. Normal
anatomy and anomalies of the fetal heart will be presented and cases will be demonstrated. First-trimester ultrasound screening in the era of NIPT has an evolving importance and new
aspects will be discussed in the last session.