Organized by
28th of January • 2023
virtual course
This course is dedicated for specialists in gynecological ultrasound examination interested in improving their skills in making a correct diagnosis in the vast scenario of female pelvic pathologies.
Gynecological ultrasound examination represents the most important diagnostic tool for the management of patients. For more than 20 years international multicenter groups have been working to reach a consensus on the terms and definitions to be used to assess gynecological pathologies by using ultrasound.

In the course we will focus on diagnostic approaches to lesions, gynecological tumors, metastatic lymph nodes, ovarian masses, and endometriosis. Special topics are devoted to the findings during pregnancy, pelvic floor evaluation, uterine malformations, US examination in reproductive medicine.

We want to continue to grow and to share our knowledge with colleagues all around the world. We have in our hands important diagnostic ultrasound tools to get an accurate specific diagnosis.

Join the course to get Gyn Ultrasound 360 degree Up-To-Date and Practical tips from the Masters!
This course is dedicated for specialists in gynecological ultrasound examination interested in improving their skills in making a correct diagnosis in the vast scenario of female pelvic pathologies.
Gynecological ultrasound examination represents the most important diagnostic tool for the management of patients. For more than 20 years international multicenter groups have been working to reach a consensus on the terms and definitions to be used to assess gynecological pathologies by using ultrasound.

In the course we will focus on diagnostic approaches to lesions, gynecological tumors, metastatic lymph nodes, ovarian masses, and endometriosis. Special topics are devoted to the findings during pregnancy, pelvic floor evaluation, uterine malformations, US examination in reproductive medicine.

We want to continue to grow and to share our knowledge with colleagues all around the world. We have in our hands important diagnostic ultrasound tools to get an accurate specific diagnosis.

Join the course to get Gyn Ultrasound 360 degree Up-To-Date and Practical tips from the Masters!
  • Prof. Antonia Testa
    Professor, Scientific Director of the Center for Ultrasound in Gynecological Oncology “Class Ultrasound” of the Agostino Gemelli University Hospital , Rome/Italy
  • Prof. Lil Valentin
    Professor in Obstetrics and Gynecology at Lund University, Sweden, Head of the Ultrasound Unit, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Skåne University Hospital Malmö, Lund / Sweden.
  • Antonella Biscione
    MD, gynecologist, Agostino Gemelli University Hospital Foundation IRCCS, Rome / Italy
  • Valentina Bertoldo
    "MD, gynecologist, Gynecology Oncology department at the Agostino Gemelli University Hospital, IRCCS, Rome / Italy
  • Francesca Ciccarone
    MD, gynecologist, surgeon, medical director inDepartment of Women's and Child Health and Public Health Sciences, Agostino Gemelli University Hospital Foundation, Rome / Italy
  • Wouter Froyman

    Gynecologist, Professor at Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Universitair Ziekenhuis Leuven, Leuven / Belgium

  • Simona Maria Fragomeni

    Department of Woman and Child Health and Public Health, Division of Gynecologic Oncology, Fondazione Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli IRCCS, Rome / Italy

  • Ligita Jokubkiene

    Associate professor at Urogynaecology and Reproductive Pharmacology, Consultant at Urogynaecology and Reproductive Pharmacology, Lund University | LU · Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Lund / Sweden

  • Lilit Hovsepyan

    Obstetrician and gynecologist, Erebouni Medical Center, Yerevan / Armenia

  • Francesca Moro
    Department of Women's and Child Health and Public Health Sciences, Agostino Gemelli University Hospital Foundation, IRCCS, Rome / Italy
  • Floriana Mascilini

    MD, medical director, department of Women, children and public health sciences,Agostino Gemelli University Hospital Foundation, Rome / Italy

  • Povilas Sladkevicius

    MD, PhD, Associate Professor, Lund University | LU · Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Lund / Sweden

  • Karine Tokhuns
    PhD, Professor in Yerevan State Medical University, President of the Armenian Association of Ultrasound Diagnosis in Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vice-President of the Armenian Association of Reproductive Medicine, Yerevan / Armenia

Scientic program
Tips and tricks to discriminate between benign and malignant ovarian lesions
Prof. Wouter Froyman
Tips and trick to discriminate between benign and malignant myometrial lesions
Dr. Francesca Ciccarone
Tips and trick to discriminate between benign and malignant endometrial lesions
Dr. Francesca Moro
Tips and trick to discriminate between benign and malignant cervical tumors
Dr. Antonella Biscione
How ultrasound can help to recognize a superficial lymph node as metastatic
Dr. Simona Fragomeni
Ultrasound features of rare ovarian tumors
Prof. Antonia Testa
Primary sarcoma of the uterine cervix
Dr. Lilit Hovsepyan
Tips and tricks to differentiate gynecological from NON-gynecological tumors
Dr. Valentina Bertoldo
Tips and trick to diagnose uterine malformation with ultrasound
Dr.Povilas Sladkevicius
Tips and trick to assess pelvic floor with ultrasound
Dr. Ligita Jokubkiene
Ultrasound in reproductive medicine: from basic to advanced
Dr. Karine Tokhuns
How to diagnose and manage ovarian masses in pregnancy
Dr. Floriana Mascilini
How ultrasound can help in diagnosing endometriosis
Prof. Lil Valentin
Tilda Publishing
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Stream language: English
28th of January • 2023
Records access for 31 days
virtual course
Records access for 31 days

28th of January • 2023
Records access for 31 days
virtual course
Manager in touch

Viktoriia Anysymova
+380 67 284 9497